Tag Archives: Biology

Sick Day

To some, staying home sick might be considered a blessing; at least the boss isn’t breathing down your neck while you binge watch Netflix shows. But to others, it can be the source of a lot of stress and “what do I do’s?” Especially if you aren’t sure if you’re sick from a virus or a bacterium. Besides, what even is the difference? In this episode, I explain how viruses and bacteria can make us sick and what the difference between the two is. Check out the video below to get informed and start feeling better about your illness (at least educationally).

Thanks for watching! Ask questions or comment on the video below. Don’t forget to check out Twitter and Instagram for more Backyard Biology, too!


The Secret Life of Plants

Plants are fairly commonplace, right? From the grass and flowers in your yard to the trees and shrubs you see during a hike in the mountains, our photosynthesizing friends are all around us, and might even be taken for granted sometimes. But plants make up a truly amazing kingdom on the tree of life.  Plants are responsible for establishing the different ecosystems and environments that you see on Earth; they make up a food group for many animals and insects; they even provide oxygen for us to breathe! To learn more about plants, check out the newest Backyard Biology episode, below:

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Backyard Biology Episode 1: Speciation

There are millions of different animals that live on this planet and all of them have specific characteristics, behaviors, even food preferences that make each and every one of them unique. But have you ever wondered why? Why does my dog have the type of fur she has? Why do some monkeys have tails and others don’t? Why do most mammals have four legs, but humans have two? Well, all of the differences you see in animals arose through a process called Speciation. To see how speciation works and how different animals come into existence, check out the Backyard Biology episode below!

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